Meet our team of changemakers

We’re made up of everyday people doing extraordinary things – we’re campaigners, activists, volunteers, academics, influencers, techies, strategists, creatives, partnership managers, social marketeers and more…

Natalie Fée – Founder
I started City to Sea as a response to the feeling of “I have to DO something about the plastic problem!” back in 2014. The Albatross chicks on the Midway Islands were the inspiration, and it kind of grew from there!
What’s a fun fact about you?
I write comedy songs on the ukulele to make myself laugh. They sometimes make other people laugh too.
Jane Martin – CEO
Jane’s role is to bring partners, stakeholders and changemakers together to design and deliver practical and creative solutions to the complex issue of plastic pollution. With over 20 years’ experience across commercial, public and not-for-profit sectors, Jane’s mission is to unlock innovative, disruptive and impactful campaigning and fundraising opportunities.
What’s a fun fact about you?
Jane does not suffer from sea sickness, she only found this out after City to Sea sent her sailing on a voyage on a tall ship to survey plastic pollution which was beset by high seas and force 9 gales! Click here to find out what we discovered!

Our creative storytellers

We’re the team behind our powerful campaigns that raise awareness and inspire people to take action.

Chloe Page – Digital Communications Manager
Our queen of social! Managing City to Sea and Refill social channels and email communications.
What brought you to City to Sea?
Being fed up of working in the travel sector, marketing ‘paradise’ destinations which were actually full of plastic pollution.

Our Development team

We are always building and perfecting our Refill app, the go-to place for living with less waste, made easy!

Ed Wirgman – Head of Development
I am leading on developing our service and product offering. This is very much focused around Refill which launched as a campaign and now stretches far and wide in terms of its offering and impact. If you are interested in hearing about our strategic and solution-based work with Refill please reach out directly to me or the team.
What’s a fun fact about you?
I’m a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and that’s all I talk about outside of work (which is fun for me but probs nobody else).

George Clark – Programme Lead
I drive forward delivery of innovative City to Sea projects including two city-based Refill projects in Wales and a reusable cup scheme in Bristol, our forward-thinking home city.
What brought you to City to Sea?
I am nature-obsessed and have worked to protect some of the UK’s most threatened natural environments. A lot of that time was spent fishing plastic packaging out of our rivers or carrying it back down from remote mountain peaks. I’m inspired by City to Sea’s mission to prevent plastic pollution at source to help protect these places I care so much about.

Celine Deschamps – Marketing Manager
I’m helping partners and brands build impactful messaging and campaigns around reuse – to ultimately grow the #Reuserevolution!
What is your biggest plastic achievement?
I’m on a journey to stop buying processed packaged goods – buying bulk and making everything from scratch.

Hannah Giles – Digital Platforms Manager
Taking care of our digital platforms, including the websites and Refill app, and making them look beautiful to help everyone access our campaigns and connect with our mission and vision.
What is your biggest plastic achievement?
I have always carried a reusable water bottle, but the day I started using reusable period products was a game-changer.

Osbert Cheung – Project Coordinator
I am the project coordinator, focus on managing and working with stakeholders to make sure our projects are successful. Our main goal is to reduce plastic use at source and promote a circular economy.
What brought you to City to Sea?
I love kayaking along the coastline – but it is heart breaking to witness bags of plastic trash polluting the sea and rivers. But what if we can put a stop to this at its source? Let’s start to Refill and Reuse from today, it’s never too late!

Cyan Stuart – Community Coordinator
As Refill’s Community Coordinator, I am responsible for managing and nurturing our volunteer led Refill Communities both here in the UK and internationally.
What brought you to City to Sea?
Being in a position where I can amplify the voices of our dedicated, enthusiastic, and inspirational Refill Communities is surreal and wonderful. I am excited to see what our communities can do next to drive real change!

the faces behind our partnerships

We build strong, mutually beneficial relationships with organisations that share our values.

Gabrielle Kuzak – Head of Partnerships & Public Affairs
As Head of Partnerships & Public Affairs at City to Sea, I lead the development and execution of our long-term partnership, funding, and public affairs strategy, fostering strong relationships and building new ones to amplify our mission and advocacy impact.
What’s your biggest plastic achievement?
Ditching single use plastic bottles and taking my reusable bottle everywhere I go.
Our operations team

We keep everything running smoothly – like admin, compliance, HR – and researching plastic issues.

Hetti Dysch – People Lead
Bringing the heart and soul to Human Resources.
What’s your biggest plastic achievement?
Many moons ago I met Natalie Fee under a pear tree on Brandon Hill – she inspired in me a plastic awakening which led me to this amazing role!
Our Charity Board
City to Sea is also a registered charity (charity number 1197989) with a Board of wonderful trustees who oversee its work.

Hannah Howard
Hannah is passionate about developing shared-value partnerships. As Head of OVO Foundation, a charity focused on climate education and action for all children and young people, she leads on strategy, governance, and grant-making. She’s previously led community programmes and partnerships at Save the Children and the National Literacy Trust and is keen to help amplify and centre youth voices.

Emma Sambrook
Emma is a fundraising & development professional. Her experience covers education, health, disability and homelessness. She also has experience awarding grants to small environmental charities based in Wiltshire.

James Piper – Chair of Trustees
James is a passionate recycler having literally written the book on the subject (The Rubbish Book)! He was CEO of Bristol-based environmental consultancy Ecosurety, before moving into a non-executive director position. He is an advocate for legislation change to make reuse, refill and recycling easier and is focused on helping with consumer education, also sitting on the board of a packaging labelling organisation and acting as an advisor to environmental technology funds.
Want to know more?
If you would like to know more about the work of the Board, or about how the Charity operates, or if you think you might be interested in joining our Charity Board and have the skills to help them turn the tide on plastic pollution then please get in touch.

We’re conscious that currently the majority of our team identify as white women. And we’re not ok with that. We know we’ll be even stronger and more effective in helping power the changes we need to see in the world when we’re a more diverse team. So, here’s what we’re doing to change that.
Our volunteer network

Here are some of the great people who have supported us through our journey to where we are now.
I started volunteering with City to Sea as an intern for Refill Day. My role was really hands-on, giving me a taste of all different areas of the organisation including social media, being involved with action days and video production. My time volunteering showing me what it takes to run a fantastic national campaign!
As proof of how much I enjoyed my volunteering, I applied for a role with City to Sea and was lucky enough to be hired as Digital Assistant.
Volunteering with City to Sea definitely expanded my horizons, allowed me to meet some truly interesting people from experts in different environmental fields to peers with equal interest in sustainability but most importantly it further enhanced my knowledge on the importance of being more environmentally conscious.
The highlight of my volunteering experience was representing City to Sea at the ‘Going for Gold’ event hosted by Bristol City Council. This is because I learnt how collectively as a city we can all reduce our impacts on the environment as well as share resources towards a common goal.
I have volunteered with City to Sea on multiple occasions in video production, and every time it was a rewarding experience. I was treated as part of the team and was given a great insight as to what working in a fast-paced not-for-profit organisation is like.