Refill Bristol is a practical campaign to make Bristol a city in which refilling your water bottle becomes a cultural norm, with refill points on every street, via cafes, retailers, hotels and businesses.
To launch the campaign, we wanted to grab people’s attention. So instead of setting up a stall and handing out leaflets, we burst onto the streets of Bristol with the Flash ‘Flask’ Mob (see what we did there?!).

We invited volunteers to learn the choreographed routine to the Tune Yards, Water Fountain song and after a couple of practices we donned our blue wigs and t-shirts and surprised shoppers and passers by at St. Nick’s Night Market, Broadmeads, UWE Freshers Fair and the Fountains.

We had great coverage from the local press … as well as some unexpected but welcome participation from the public who joined in to throw some shapes with us!
- St. Nicks Night Market
- The Bristol 2015 Office learned the dance in 15 minutes
- Bristol 24/7
- Made in Bristol TV It is the 6 21.09 Part 2 and it is the first story
- Bristol Post