None other than ‘The One Show’ (BBC1 prime time if you’ve not heard of it!) got in touch recently to feature ‘Switch the Stick’, our successful cotton bud campaign on their beach special live from Cornwall.
What an opportunity, to be able to talk to their millions of viewers. Of course we jumped at the chance!

Lucy Siegle interviewed Natalie Fee our founder, and television presenter herself.
On a Sunny day we headed down to Weston where we didn’t know what we might find in terms of cotton buds for filming …. there were 100s along the tide line and in the sand dunes.
Nat was able to explain to Lucy – and the nation – how with 38 Degrees 157,000 people signed our petition, and ALL the major UK supermarkets have pledge to #SwiththeStick by the end of 2017.
Which will prevent 230 tons of plastic being produced – annually!

Our impact
At the recent Harbourside festival where LitterArti had created a piece of huge visual art we overheard a women telling her son about how cotton buds are flushed down the toilet and go to the ocean. “How you know that?” asked her husband, “I saw it on the telly!” came the reply. Amazing, ‘The One Show’ has got the word out of the cotton buds, and City to Sea to an even wider audience. Just as we hoped it would.
The end of 2017 is starting to get closer …. we already have samples from Sainsburys which will soon be hitting their shelves.If you were one of the 157,000 people …
… Congratulations and thank you!