
Our blog, our opinions shared!

We react fast to government announcements, new initiatives, scientific breakthroughs and updates about the climate catastrophe. Follow our blogs to keep up with what’s happening, what we think about it and how you can act to reduce plastic pollution.

For our latest press releases, visit our media centre

Attitudes Towards Refill and Reuse in the UK

Our latest annual survey dives into awareness and attitudes towards plastic pollution so we can better understand people’s reuse habits.

Come With Us On Our Big Green Hike

For the Big Green Hike, joined by corporate partners, supporters, and friends we took on an eight-mile hike along the river Avon in Bristol.

Single Use Plastic Ban in Dine-in Settings

Earlier this month, we launched a new petition calling for a complete ban on ALL single-use packaging in eat-in settings like restaurants, cafes and bars.

Get the latest from our blog

Period poverty Week

Period poverty Week

This week is Period Poverty Week, a global campaign that aims to educate on the issue of period poverty and its impact on people with periods.

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Oceans of Optimism May 22

Oceans of Optimism May 22

We’re all about finding the joy in between the heavy headlines, and are here to share some uplifting stories from the past few weeks with you.

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Plastic-Free Eid

Plastic-Free Eid

With Eid al-Fitr just around the corner, lots of us are considering ways to celebrate that don’t cost the earth.

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Trick or treaty

Trick or treaty

The resolution at the UN is described as the ‘Biggest green deal since Paris’. But is the treaty more dastardly trick or delightful treat-y?

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The Big Plastic Count

The Big Plastic Count

We’re super excited to be supporting the Big Plastic Count, uncovering the truth about just how much we throw away.

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